Established in 2014, Clint Elliott Survey is the product of a lifetime of land surveying. Clint's father learned the profession while proudly serving in the US Army. Upon returning home, he continued land surveying. As a young lad raised in Clarksville, TN, Clint followed his father to the field. There he assisted his father with the tedious tasks of precision measurement - holding rods, marking corners, and gaining a respect for the land and it's boundaries.
From 1991-1996, Clint worked as surveyor for his father's company, Elliott Survey. He earned his Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) license in 2011. He then went on to work for Fisher Arnold, Tennessee Valley Authority, the Department of Defense, and the Tennessee Department of Transportation, among others. Through these relationships, Clint gained the knowledge and experience that make him a premiere land surveyor in Middle Tennessee.
An entrepreneurial spirit and passion for the profession gave life to Clint Elliott Survey.